Don’t those who plan evil go astray? Those who plan good receive loyalty and faithfulness.
There is profit in hard work, but mere talk leads to poverty.
Wealth is the crown of the wise, and the folly of fools is folly.

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The Puny Life of Freedom

An undisciplined, self-willed life is puny; an obedient, God-willed life is spacious. Psalm 15:32 (Message) Puny. Ever felt that way? It’s a very touchy-feely word. You hear it, and you can visualize it immediately. I’ve never really thought of what the...

Good Google!

Ever since I started my business back in 2004, I’ve cringed a number of times at the name I picked. It’s awfully hard to tell someone over the phone how to spell “C2IT Consulting”: “C, The Number Two, I, T, Consulting…. Inc.”...